1785 год в музыке

1785 год в музыке
1783 — 1784 — 1785 — 1786 — 1787
См. также: Другие события в 1785 году
События в театре



Классическая музыка


  • Иоганн Баптист Шенк
  • Карл Диттерс фон Диттерсдорф
    • «Кузнец»[19]
    • «25 000 гульденов или в темноте хорошо»
  • Томас Линли-старший
    • «Переполох, или Фея колодца»[20]
    • «Незнакомцы дома»[21][20]
  • Мишель Мортеллари
    • «Армида заброшенная»[22]
    • «Предполагаемая инфанта»[22]
  • Уильям Шилд
    • «Монастырь»[23][24]
    • «Вспыльчивые отцы»[25]
    • «Омай, или Путешествие по миру»[26]



См. также

1785 год в музыке


  1. 1785 (англ.) (недоступная ссылка). Music and History (4 июня 2012). Дата обращения: 12 мая 2018. Архивировано 29 июня 2013 года.
  2. Peter Branscombe, "Bondini, Pasquale", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  3. Christopher Raeburn, "Laschi [Mombelli], Luisa", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  4. Jacek Berwaldt and Margaret Mikulska, "Janiewica, Feliks [Yaniewicz, Felix] ", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  5. Julian Rushton, Julie Anne Sadie, Robert Adelson, and Jacqueline Letzter, "Candeille, Julie", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  6. Anonymous, untitled notice in the Times, no. 251 (Friday, 14 October 1785): 2C.
  7. Karl Kroeger, "Antes, John [Johann]", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  8. Richard Crawford and Nym Cooke, "Belcher, Supply", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  9. Marita P. McClymonds, “Mortellari, Michele”, The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  10. Howard Brofsky and Stefano Barandoni, "Gherardeschi, Filippo Maria", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  11. Chappell White, "Strinasacchi {Strina Sacchi], Regina", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  12. "Music Just Published, by Longman and Broderip" (classified advertisement), The Times, no. 28 (Wednesday, 2 February 1785): 4A
  13. William Boyce > Organ > 10 Voluntaries for the Organ (англ.). Musopen. Дата обращения: 12 мая 2018.
  14. Raoul Meloncelli and Marita P. McClymonds, "Bernardini, Marcello [Marcello da Capua]", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  15. Julian Rushton, "Candeille, Pierre Joseph", The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, edited by Stanley Sadie (London: Macmillan Publishers, 1992).
  16. Anon. "Favourite AIRS in the New Comic Opera", Times, no. 119 (Saturday, 14 May): 3B.
  17. Jane Girdham, "Storace, Stephen (John Seymour)", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  18. Anon., "Italian Opera", Times, no. 90 (Monday, 11 April 1785): 2C.
  19. Margaret Grave and Jay Lane, "Dittersdorf, Carl Ditters von [Ditters, Carl]", The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, 2nd edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell (London: Macmillan Publishers, 2001).
  20. Gwilym Beechey and Linda Troost, "Linley: (1) Thomas Linley (i)", The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, edited by Stanley Sadie (London: Macmillan Publishers, 1992).
  21. Anon., "Theatre-Royal Drury-Lane (Never Performed) By his Majesty’s Company", The Times, no. 298 (Thursday, 8 December)
  22. Marita P. McClymonds, "Mortellari, Michele", The New Grove Dictionary of Opera, edited by Stanley Sadie (London: Macmillan Publishers, 1992).
  23. Anon., "Theatre-Royal Covent-Garden", The Times, no. 90 (Monday, 11 April): 1A
  24. Anon., "Fable to the Comic Opera of The Nunnery", The Times, no. 93 (14 April): 3A
  25. Anon., "Shield's Music", The Times, no. 279 (Wednesday, 16 November): 2D.
  26. Anon., "Theatre: A New Pantomime, Entitled Omai", The Times no. 310 (Thursday 22 December): 3A.
  27. Боэли, Александр Пьер Франсуа (Boely, Alexandre Pierre Francois Boëly (англ.). Classic-online.ru. Дата обращения: 12 мая 2018.
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