Медаль и премия Фарадея

Медаль и премия Майкла Фарадея (англ. Michael Faraday Medal and Prize), до 2008 года  Медаль и премия Гутри (англ. Guthrie Medal and Prize)  международная награда в области экспериментальной физики, присуждавшаяся Институтом Физики с 1914 по 2007 год. К позолоченной медали прилагалась денежная премия в размере 1000 фунтов стерлингов, а также сертификат. Лауреат мог быть приглашён дать лекцию в Институте Физики. Среди награждённых 27 лауреатов Нобелевской премии. С 2008 года вместо неё учреждена Медаль и премия Фарадея (англ. Faraday Medal and Prize).



  1. Обоснование награды: For his outstanding contributions to superfluids and superconductors
  2. Обоснование награды: For his wide-ranging theoretical work on defects in solids
  3. Обоснование награды: For his experimental and theoretical contributions to condensed matter physics
  4. Обоснование награды: For pioneering work in the development and application of neutron and X-ray scattering techniques to the physics of a wide range of important solid and liquid-state systems
  5. Обоснование награды: For his pioneering work in the field of 'plastic electronics'
  6. Обоснование награды: For her many highly original studies of the structures and behaviour of polymers both synthetic and natural
  7. Обоснование награды: For his outstanding leadership within the Pierre Auger Observatory, and the insights he has provided to the origin and nature of ultra high energy cosmic rays
  8. Обоснование награды: For his pioneering research in experimental condensed matter physics
  9. Обоснование награды: For his innovative and seminal experimental investigations into ultra-cold atoms and molecules
  10. Обоснование награды: For their outstanding and sustained contributions to the physics and technology of the far-infrared (terahertz) frequency region of the electromagnetic spectrum
  11. Обоснование награды: For transforming our knowledge of charge transport phenomena in organic semiconductors as well as our ability to exploit them
  12. Обоснование награды: For her pioneering advances in the science of nanostructured and molecular semiconductor materials
  13. Обоснование награды: For his investigations of many ingenious nanostructures supporting novel and precisely engineered plasmonic phenomena relevant to single molecule and atom dynamics, Raman spectroscopies and metamaterials applications
  14. Обоснование награды: for her outstanding investigations into the physics of neutrino oscillations, in particular her leadership of the MINOS/MINOS+ long-baseline neutrino oscillation experiment.
  15. Обоснование награды: For his extensive, internationally leading contributions to the development of spectrally diverse, ultrafast-laser sources and pioneering fundamental studies of nonlinear fibre optics that have translated to scientific and commercial application.
  16. Обоснование награды: For over 35 years of pioneering contributions in faint-object astronomy, often with instruments he funded and constructed, which have opened up the early universe to direct observations.



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