Эджуорт, Фрэнсис Исидор
Фрэнсис Исидор Эджуорт (англ. Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, 8 февраля 1845 — 13 февраля 1926) — ирландский британский экономист и статистик, внук изобретателя и политика Ричарда Эджуорта. Был сторонником идеи прогрессивного налогообложения, мотивируя его убывающей предельной полезностью доходов. В честь него названы ящик Эджуорта и налоговый парадокс Эджуорта.
Фрэнсис Эджуорт | |
Francis Ysidro Edgeworth | |
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Имя при рождении | англ. Francis Ysidro Edgeworth |
Дата рождения | 8 февраля 1845[1][2][3][…] |
Место рождения | |
Дата смерти | 13 февраля 1926[1][2][3][…] (81 год) |
Место смерти | |
Страна | |
Научная сфера | экономика |
Место работы | |
Альма-матер | |
Учёная степень | бакалавр искусств, магистр искусств и доктор гражданского права[d] |
Награды и премии | |
Автограф |
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Входит в число ста великих экономистов до Кейнса по версии Марка Блауга.
Список произведений Фрэнсиса Эджуорта

Papers relating to political economy, 1925
- «Mr. Mathew Arnold on Bishop Butler’s Doctrine of Self-Love», 1876, Mind
- New and Old Methods of Ethics, 1877.
- «The Hedonical Calculus», 1879, Mind
- Mathematical Psychics: An essay on the application of mathematics to the moral sciences, 1881.
- «Mr. Leslie Stephen on Utilitarianism», 1882, Mind
- «The Law of Error», 1883, Phil Mag
- «The Method of Least Squares», 1883, Phil Mag
- «The Physical Basis of Probability», 1883, Phil Mag
- «On the Method of Ascertaining a Change in the Value of Gold», 1883, JRSS
- «Review of Jevons’s Investigations», 1884, Academy
- «The Rationale of Exchange», 1884, JRSS
- «The Philosophy of Chance», 1884, Mind
- «On the Reduction of Observations», 1884, Phil Mag
- «A Priori Probabilities», 1884, Phil Mag
- «Chance and Law», 1884, Hermathena
- «Methods of Statistics», 1885, Jubilee Volume of RSS.
- «The Calculus of Probabilities Applied to Psychic Research, I & II», 1885, 1886, Proceedings of Society for Psychic Research
- «On Methods of Ascertaining Variations in the Rate of Births, Deaths and Marriages», 1885, JRSS
- «Progressive Means», 1886, JRSS
- «The Law of Error and the Elimination of Chance», 1886 Phil Mag
- «On the Determination of the Modulus of Errors», 1886, Phil Mag
- «Problems in Probabilities», 1886, Phil Mag
- «Review of Sidgwick’s Scope and Method», 1886, Academy
- «Review of Jevons’s Journals», 1886, Academy
- «Four Reports by the committee investigating best method of ascertaining and measuring variations in the monetary standard», 1887, Reports of the BAAS (Parts I & 3; Part 2)
- «Observations and Statistics: An essay on the theory of errors of observation and the first principles of statistics», 1887, Transactions of Cambridge Society.
- Metretike, or the method of measuring probability and utility, 1887.
- «On Observations Relating to Several Quantities», 1887, Hermathena
- «The Law of Error», 1887, Nature
- «The Choice of Means», 1887, Phil Mag
- «On Discordant Observations», 1887, Phil Mag
- «The Empirical Proof of the Law of Error», 1887, Phil Mag
- «On a New Method of Reducing Observations Relating to Several Quantities», 1888, Phil Mag
- "New Methods of Measuring Variation in General Prices, 1888, JRSS
- «The Statistics of Examinations», 1888, JRSS
- «The Value of Authority Tested by Experiment», 1888, Mind
- «Mathematical Theory of Banking», 1888, JRSS
- «On the Application of Mathematics to Political Economy: Address of the President of Section F of the British Association for the Advancement of Science», 1889, JRSS
- «The Mathematical Theory of Political Economy: Review of Walras’s Elements», 1889, Nature
- «Review of Wicksteed’s Alphabet», 1889, Academy
- «Review of Bohm-Bawerk’s Kapital und Kapitalismus», 1889, Academy
- «Review of Bertrand’s Calcul des Probabilites», 1889, J of Education
- «Points at which Mathematical Reasoning is Applicable to Political Economy», 1889, Nature
- «Appreciation of Gold», 1889, QJE
- «The Element of Chance in Competitive Examinations», 1890, JRSS
- «Economic Science and Statistics», 1889, Nature
- «Review of Marshall’s Principles», 1890, Nature
- «Review of Jevons’s Pure Logic», 1890, Academy
- «Review of Walras’s Elements», 1890, Academy
- «Review of Bohm-Bawerk’s Capital and Interest», 1890, Academy
- «La Théorie mathématique de l’offre et de la demande et le côut de production», 1891, Revue d’Economie Politique
- «Osservazioni sulla teoria matematica dell' economica politica», 1891, GdE (trans. «On the Determinateness of Economic Equilibrium»)
- «Ancora a proposito della teoria del baratto», 1891, GdE
- «Review of Ricardo’s Principles», 1891, J of Education
- «Review of Keynes’s Scope and Method», 1891, EJ
- «An Introductory Lecture on Political Economy», 1891, EJ
- «Review of Sidgwick’s Elements of Politics», 1891, EJ
- «Review of Second Edition of Marshall’s Principles», 1891, EJ
- "Mathematical Investigations in the Theory of Value and Prices, « Connecticut Academy, 1892.
- „Correlated Averages“, 1892 , Philos Magazine
- „The Law of Error and Correlated Averages“, 1892, Philos Magazine.
- „Recent Attempts to Evaluate the Amount of Coin Circulating in a Country“, 1892, EJ
- „Review of Marshall’s Economics of Industry“, 1892, Nature
- „Review of Cantillon’s Essai“, 1892, EJ
- „Review of Palgrave’s Dictionary“, 1892, EJ
- „Review of Bohm-Bawerk’s Positive Theory of Capital“, 1892, EJ
- „Review of Smart’s Introduction to the Theory of Value“, 1892, EJ
- „Review of Dusing’s Das Geschlechtverhaltniss“, 1892, EJ
- „Review of Benson’s Capital, Labor and Trade“, 1892, EJ
- „Review of Smart’s Women’s Wages“, 1893
- „Review of Bonar’s Philosophy“, 1893, Mind
- „Review of Walsh’s Bimetallism“, 1893, EJ
- „Review of Fisher’s Mathematical Investigations“, 1893, EJ
- „Professor Böhm-Bawerk on the Ultimate Standard of Value“, 1894, EJ
- „One More Word on the Ultimate Standard of Value“, 1894, EJ
- „Review of Wiser’s Natural Value“, 1894, EJ
- „Theory of International Values: Parts I, II and III“, 1894, EJ
- „Recent Writings on Index Numbers“, 1894, EJ
- „The Measurement of Utility by Money“, 1894, EJ
- „Asymmetric Correlation between Social Phenomenon“, 1894, JRSS
- Entries: „Average“, „Census“, „Cournot“, „Curves“, „Demand Curves“, Difficulty of Attainment», «Distance in Time», «Error», 1894, in Palgrave, editor, Dictionary of Political Economy, Vol. 1.
- «Review of the Webbs' History of Trade Unionism», 1894, EJ
- «Review of Third Edition of Marshall’s Principles», 1895, EJ
- «Mr. Pierson on the Scarcity of Gold», 1895, EJ
- «Thoughts on Monetary Reform», 1895, EJ
- «The Stationary State in Japan», 1895, EJ
- «A Defense of Index-Numbers», 1896, EJ
- «Statistics on Unprogressive Communities», 1896, JRSS
- «The Asymmetrical Probability Curve (Abstract)», 1894, Proceedings of Royal Society
- «The Asymmetrical Probability Curve», 1896, Phil Mag
- «The Compound law of Error», 1896, Phil Mag
- Entries: «Gossen», «Index Numbers», «Intrinsic Value», «Jenkin», «Jennings», «Least Squares» and «Mathematical Method», 1896, in Palgrave, editor, Dictionary of Political Economy, Vol. 2.
- «Review of Price’s Money», 1896, EJ
- «Review of Nicholson’s Strikes and Social Problems», 1896, EJ
- «Review of Pierson’s Leerboek, Vol. 1», 1896, EJ
- «Review of Pierson’s Leerkook, Vol. 2», 1897, EJ
- «Review of Bastable, Theory of International Trade», 1897, EJ
- «Review of Grazani’s Istituzioni», 1897, EJ
- «La teoria pura del monopolio», 1897, GdE, (trans."The Pure Theory of Monopoly")
- «The Pure Theory of Taxation: Parts I, II and III», 1897, EJ
- «Miscellaneous Applications of the Calculus of Probabilities», Parts 1, 2, 3, 1897, 1898, JRSS
- «Review of Cournot’s Recherches», 1898, EJ
- «Professor Graziani on the Mathematical Theory of Monopoly», 1898, EJ
- «Review of Darwin’s Bimetallism», 1898, EJ
- «On the Representation of Statistics by Mathematical Formulae», Part 1 (1898), Parts 2, 3, 4 (1899)
- «On a Point in the Theory of International Trade», 1899, EJ
- «Review of Davidson, Bargain Theory of Wages», 1899, EJ
- «Professor Seligman on the Mathematical Method in Political Economy», 1899, EJ
- Entries: «Pareto», «Pareto’s Law», «Probability», Supply Curve" and «Utility», 1899, in Palgrave, editor, Dictionary of Political Economy, Vol. 3
- «Answers to Questions by Local Taxation Commission», 1899, Reprint of Royal Commission for Local Taxation
- «The Incidence of Urban Rates, Parts I, II and III» 1900, EJ
- «Defence of Mr. Harrison’s Calculation of the Rupee Circulation», 1900, EJ
- «Review of J.B. Clark’s Theory of Distribution», 1900, EJ
- «Review of Smart’s Taxation of Land-Values», 1900, EJ
- «Review of Bastable, Theory of International Trade (3rd edition)», 1897, EJ
- «Review of Bonar and Hollander, Letters of Ricardo», 1900, EJ
- «Mr. Walsh on the Measurement of General Exchange Value», 1901, EJ
- «Disputed Points in the Theory of International Trade», 1901, EJ
- «Review of Gide’s Cooperation», 1902, EJ
- «Review of Wells’s Anticipations», 1902, EJ
- "Methods of Representing Statistics of Wages and Other Groups Not *"Fulfilling the Normal Law of Error", with A.L. Bowley, 1902, JRSS
- «The Law of Error», 1902, Encycl Britannica
- «Review of Cannan’s History of Theories of Production», 1903, EJ
- «Review of Bortkiewicz’s Anwendungen and Pareto’s Anwendungen», 1903, EJ
- «Review of Bastable’s Public Finance», 1903, EJ
- «Review of Bastable’s Cartels et Trusts», 1903, EJ
- «Review of Pigou’s Riddle of the Tarriff», 1904, EJ
- «Review of Nicholson’s Elements», 1904, EJ
- «Review of Bowley’s National Progress», 1904, EJ
- «Review of Plunkett’s Ireland», 1904, EJ
- «Review of Northon’s Loan Credit», 1904, EJ
- «Review of Graziani’s Istituzione», 1904, EJ
- «Review of Dietzel’s Vergeltungzolle», 1904, EJ
- «Preface», 1904, in J.R. MacDonald, editor, Women in the Printing Trades.
- «The Theory of Distribution», 1904, QJE
- «The Law of Error», 1905, Transactions of Cambridge Society
- «Review of Nicholson’s History of English Corn Laws», 1905, EJ
- «Review of Cunynghame’s Geometrical Political Economy», 1905, EJ
- «Review of Carver’s Theory of Distribution», 1905, EJ
- «Review of Taussig’s Present Position», 1905, EJ
- «Review of Henry Sidgwick: A memoir», 1906, EJ
- «The Generalised Law of Error, or Law of Great Numbers», 1906, JRSS
- «Recent Schemes for Rating Urban Land Values», 1906, EJ
- «On the Representation of Statistical Frequency by a Series», 1907, JRSS
- «Statistical Observations on Wasps and Bees», 1907, Biometrika
- «Review of de Foville’s Monnaie and Guyot’s Science economique», 1907, EJ
- «Appreciations of Mathematical Theories», Parts I & II (1907), Parts III & IV (1908), EJ
- «On the Probable Errors of Frequency Constants», I, II & III (1908), Add. (1909), JRSS
- «Review of Andreades’s Lecture on the Census», 1908, EJ
- «Review of Rea’s Free Trade», 1908, EJ
- «Review of Withers’s Meaning of Money», 1909, EJ
- «Review of Mitchell’s Gold Prices», 1909, EJ
- «Review of Jevons’s Investigations», 1909, EJ
- «Application du calcul des probabilités à la Statistique», 1909, Bulletin de l’Institut international de statistique
- «On the Use of the Differential Calculus in Economics to Determine Conditions of Maximum Advantage», 1909, Scientia
- «Applications of Probabilities to Economics, Parts I & II», 1910, EJ.
- «The Subjective Element in the First Principles of Taxation», 1910, QJE
- «Review of John Stuart Mill’s Principles», 1910, EJ
- «Review of Colson’s Cours», 1910, EJ
- «Review of J. Maurice Clark’s Local Freight Discriminations», 1910, EJ
- «Review of Hammond’s Railway Rate Theories», 1911, EJ
- «Probability and Expectation», 1911, Encycl Britannica
- «Monopoly and Differential Prices», 1911, EJ
- «Contributions to the Theory of Railway Rates», Part I & II (1911), Part III (1912), Part IV (1913), EJ
- «Review of Moore’s Laws of Wages», 1912, EJ
- «Review of Pigou’s Wealth and Welfare», 1913, EJ
- «On the Use of the Theory of Probabilities in Statistics Relating to Society», 1913, J of RSS
- «A Variant Proof of the Distribution of Velocities in a Molecular Chaos», 1913, PhilMag
- «On the Use of Analytical Geometry to Represent Certain Kinds of Statistics», Parts I—V, 1914, J of RSS
- «Recent Contributions to Mathematical Economics, I & II», 1915, EJ
- On the Relations of Political Economy to War, 1915.
- The Cost of War and ways of reducing it suggested by economic theory, 1915.
- «Economists on War: Review of Sombart, etc.», 1915, EJ
- «Review of Pigou’s Economy and Finance of War», 1916, EJ
- «Review of Preziosi’s La Germania alla Conquista dell' Italia», 1916, EJ
- «British Incomes and Property», 1916, EJ
- «On the Mathematical Representation of Statistical Data», Part I (1916), Parts II—IV (1917), J of RSS
- «Review of Gill’s National Power and Prosperity», 1917, EJ
- «Review of Lehfeldt’s Economics in Light of War», 1917, EJ
- «Some German Economic Writings about the War», 1917, EJ
- «After-War Problems: Review of Dawson at al.», 1917, EJ
- «Review of Westergaard’s Scope and Methods of Statistics», 1917, JRSS
- «Review of Anderson’s Value of Money», 1918, EJ
- «Review of Moulton and Phillips on Money and Banking», 1918, EJ
- «Review of Loria’s Economic Causes of War», 1918, EJ
- «Review of Arias’s Principii», 1918, EJ
- «Review of Smith-Gordon, Rural Reconstruction of Ireland and Russell’s National Being», 1918, EJ
- «On the Value of a Mean as Calculated from a Sample», 1918, EJ
- «An Astronomer on the Law of Error», 1918, PhilMag
- Currency and Finance in Time of War, 1918.
- «The Doctrine of Index-Numbers According to Prof. Wesley Mitchell», 1918, EJ
- «Psychical Research and Statistical Method», 1919, JRSS
- «Methods of Graduating Taxes on Income and Capital», 1919, EJ
- «Review of Cannan’s Money», 1919, EJ
- «Review of Andreades’s Historia», 1919, EJ
- «Review of Lehfeldt’s Gold Prices», 1919, EJ
- A Levy on Capital for the Discharge of the Debt, 1919.
- «Mathematical Formulae and the National Commission on Income Tax», 1920, EJ
- «On the Application of Probabilities to the Movement of Gas Molecules», Part I (1920), Part II (1922), Phil Mag
- «Entomological Statistics», 1920, Metron
- «Review of Gustav Cassel’s Theory of Social Economy», 1920, EJ
- «Review of Bowley’s Change in Distribution of National Income», 1920, JRSS
- «Review of the Webbs' History of Trade Unionism», 1920, EJ
- «Molecular Statistics», Part I (1921), Part II (1922), JRSS
- «On the Genesis of the Law of Eror», 1921, PhilMag
- «The Philosophy of Chance», 1922, Mind
- «The Mathematical Economics of Professor Amoroso», 1922, EJ
- «Equal Pay to Men and Women for Equal Work», 1922, EJ
- «Review of Keynes’s Treatise on Probability», 1922, JRSS
- «Review of Pigou’s Political Economy of War», 1922, EJ
- «Statistics of Examinations», 1923, JRSS
- «On the Use of Medians for Reducing Observations Relating to Several Quantities», 1923, Phil Mag
- «Mr. Correa Walsh on the Calculation of Index Numbers», 1923, JRSS
- «Index Numbers According to Mr. Walsh», 1923, EJ
- Women’s Wages in Relation to Economic Welfare, 1923, EJ
- «Review of Marshall’s Money, Credit and Commerce», 1923, EJ
- «Review of The Labour Party’s Aim», 1923, EJ
- «Review of Bowley’s Mathematical Groundwork», 1924, EJ
- «Review of Fisher’s Economic Position of the Married Woman», 1924, EJ
- «Untried Methods of Representing Frequency», 1924, JRSS
- Papers Relating to Political Economy, 3 volumes, 1925.
- «The Plurality of Index-Numbers», 1925, EJ
- «The Element of Probability in Index-Numbers», 1925, JRSS
- «The Revised Doctrine of Marginal Social Product», 1925, EJ
- «Review of J.M. Clark’s Overhead Costs», 1925, EJ.
- "mathematical method in political economy, " 1926, Palgrave’s Dictionary of Political Economy, reprinted in 1987, The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 3.
- «Mr Rhode’s Curve and the Method of Adjustment», 1926, JRSS
- Edgeworth F.Y. Papers relating to political economy, — 1925
- Edgeworth’s Writings on Chance, Economic Hazard, and Statistics/ P. Mirowski ed. — Rowman & Littlefield, 1994
- Edgeworth F.Y. Writings in Probability, Statistics and Economics/C.R. McCann Jr. ed. — Cheltenham, Glos.: Elgar, 1966
- Edgeworth F.Y. Mathematical psychics, and further papers on political economy/P. Newman ed. — Oxford University Press, 2003
- Архив по истории математики Мактьютор
- Lundy D. R. Francis Ysidro Edgeworth // The Peerage (англ.)
- Francis Ysidro Edgeworth // Энциклопедия Брокгауз (нем.)
- Блауг М. Эджуорт, Фрэнсис Исидор // 100 великих экономистов до Кейнса = Great Economists before Keynes: An introduction to the lives & works of one hundred great economists of the past. — СПб.: Экономикус, 2008. — С. 336—339. — 352 с. — (Библиотека «Экономической школы», вып. 42). — 1500 экз. — ISBN 978-5-903816-01-9.
- Эджуорт Фрэнсис Исидро / Зеленев С. Б. // Чаган — Экс-ле-Бен. — М. : Советская энциклопедия, 1978. — (Большая советская энциклопедия : [в 30 т.] / гл. ред. А. М. Прохоров ; 1969—1978, т. 29).
- Lluis Barbe. Francis Ysidro Edgeworth: A Portrait With Family and Friends (Edward Elgar Publishing; 2010) 328 pages; Draws on previously untapped materials fo a full biography
- P J FitzPatrick, "Leading British statisticians of the nineteenth century, Journal of the American Statistical Association 55 (1960), 38-70.
- M G Kendall, «Francis Ysidro Edgeworth, 1845—1926,» Biometrika 55 (1968), 269—275.
- Newman, Peter (1987). "Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro, " The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 2, pp. 84-98.
- (2001). "Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro (1845—1926), " International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences, pp. 4170-4175. Abstract.
- Spiegel, Henry William. The Growth of Economic Thought. Ed. Durham & London. Duke University Press, 1991.
- Stigler, Stephen M. (1987). «Edgeworth as statistician», The New Palgrave: A Dictionary of Economics, v. 2, pp. 98-98.
- Джон Дж. О’Коннор и Эдмунд Ф. Робертсон. Эджуорт, Фрэнсис Исидор (англ.) — биография в архиве MacTutor.
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