Организационная психология
Организационная психология или психология менеджмента (за рубежом известна под названиями Industrial and organizational psychology, I-O psychology, work psychology, work and organizational psychology, W-O psychology, occupational psychology, personnel psychology, talent assessment) — применение психологических теорий и исследовательских методик к проблемам организации, управления и бизнеса. Затрагивает вопросы подбора персонала, мотивации, обучения и развития сотрудников, организационного поведения и т. д.
Из организационной психологии в конце 1980-х гг. как самостоятельное направление выделился коучинг.
В бывшем СССР организационная психология не представляла собой самостоятельной дисциплины и обычно рассматривалась в рамках инженерной психологии или социальной психологии. Пионерами организационной психологии в СССР были Дж. М.Гвишиани, А. И. Китов, В. И. Терещенко. В России представлен сайт Ассоциации организационной психологии.
Ключевые работы по организационной психологии
- Anderson, N., Ones, D. S., Sinangil, H. K., & Viswesvaran, C. (Eds.). (2002). Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology, Volume 1: Personnel psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Anderson, N., Ones, D. S., Sinangil, H. K., & Viswesvaran, C. (Eds.). (2002). Handbook of industrial, work and organizational psychology, Volume 2: Organizational psychology. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications Ltd.
- Borman, W. C., Ilgen, D., R., & Klimoski, R., J. (Eds.). (2003). Handbook of Psychology: Vol 12 Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons.
- Borman, W. C., & Motowidlo, S. J. (1993). Expanding the criterion domain to include elements of contextual performance. Chapter in N. Schmitt and W. C. Borman (Eds.), Personnel Selection. San Francisco: Josey-Bass (pp. 71-98).
- Campbell, J. P., Gasser, M. B., & Oswald, F. L. (1996). The substantive nature of job performance variability. In K. R. Murphy (Ed.), Individual differences and behavior in organizations (pp. 258—299). San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
- Dunnette, M. D. (Ed.). (1976). Handbook of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Chicago: Rand McNally.
- Dunnette, M. D., & Hough, L. M. (Eds.). (1991). Handbook of Industrial/Organizational Psychology (4 Volumes). Palo Alto, CA: Consulting Psychologists Press.
- Greenberg, Jerald . Managing Behavior in Organizations, Prentice Hall, 2005.
- Guion, R. M. (1998). Assessment, measurement and prediction for personnel decisions. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
- Hunter, J. E., & Schmidt, F. L. (1990). Methods of meta-analysis: Correcting error and bias in research findings. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Hunter, J. E., & Schmidt, F. L. (2004). Methods of meta-analysis: Correcting error and bias in research findings. Newbury Park, CA: Sage.
- Lowman, R. L. (Ed.). (2002). The California School of Organizational Studies handbook of organizational consulting psychology: A comprehensive guide to theory, skills and techniques. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.
- Muchinsky, P. M. (Ed.). (2002). Psychology Applied to Work. Wadsworth Publishing Company.
- Rogelberg, S., G. (Ed.). (2002). Handbook of research methods in industrial and organizational psychology. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
- Sackett, P. R., & Wilk, S. L. (1994). Within group norming and other forms of score adjustment in pre-employment testing. American Psychologist, 49, 929—954.
- Schmidt, F. L., & Hunter, J. E. (1998). The validity and utility of selection methods in personnel psychology: Practical and theoretical implications of 85 years of research findings. Psychological Bulletin, 124, 262—274.
- Muchinsky, Paul M., (199). Psychology Applied to Work: An Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, Third Edition.
- Frederick W. Taylor Father of Scientific Management, Vol. I and II, First edition 1923, reprinted 1969
Основные журналы по организационной психологии
- Journal of Applied Psychology
- Personnel Psychology
- Academy of Management Journal
- Academy of Management Review
- Journal of Management
- Human Performance
- The Journal of Organizational Behavior
- Organizational Research Methods
- The Journal of Vocational Behavior
- Administrative Science Quarterly
- Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
- European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
- Applied Psychology: An International Review
- International Journal of Selection and Assessment
- International Journal of Training and Development
- Work and Stress
- Journal of Occupational Health Psychology
- Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
- International Review of Industrial and Organizational Psychology (edited annual volume)
- Ассоциация организационной психологии (АОП), Россия
- Academy of Management (AOM), United States
- Association of Business Psychologists, UK
- Canadian Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (CSIOP), Canada
- College of Organisational Psychologists (COP), Australian Psychological Society, Australia
- Division of Occupational Psychology, British Psychological Society, UK
- European Association of Work and Organizational Psychology (EAWOP), Europe
- Institute of Work Psychology, Sheffield, England, UK
- Industrial Psychology Research Centre, Aberdeen, Scotland, UK
- Psychology and College of Business Alumni Club (PAC BAC)
- International Public Management Association for Human Resources Assessment Counsel (IPMAAC)
- Minnesota Professionals for Psychology Applied to Work (MPPAW), United States
- Division 1: Work & Organizational Psychology, The International Association of Applied Psychology, International
- NIOSH — Occupational Health Psychology, United States
- Organizational Behavior Management Network (OBM Network)
- Industrial Division, Psychological Society of South Africa (PsySSA), South Africa
- Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), United States
- Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology (SIOP), United States
- Society for Industrial and Organisational Psychology of South Africa (SIOPSA), South Africa
См. также
- Industrial & organizational psychology at The Psychology Wiki
- Research on Organizations: Bibliography Database and Maps
- Professional I/O Psychologist Network (where you can post your own messages and/or read and reply to others' postings; organized by topic; maintains anonymity via use of avatars)
- HR Tests — Employment testing, personnel selection, and assessment