Platycorynus (лат.) — род жуков семейства листоедов.
Platycorynus | ||||||||
![]() Листоед P. dejeani (Южная Африка) | ||||||||
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Platycorynus Chevrolat in Dejean, 1836 | ||||||||
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Типовой вид | ||||||||
Африка и Азия.
Мелкие и среднего размера жуки-листоеды с овальным или округлым телом. Надкрылья покрыты пигидиумом.
По данным из Каталога жуков Палеарктики 2010 года (Catalogue of Palearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6), выделяемые ранее подроды Corynodes, Corynoeides, Eudora, Neolycaria и другие рассматриваются в качестве синонимов рода Platycorynus[1]. В состав рода включают следующие виды[6][7][8][9][10]:
- Platycorynus abyssinicus (Jacoby, 1886)
- Platycorynus abyssinicus abyssinicus (Jacoby, 1886)
- Platycorynus abyssinicus niloticus Kuntzen, 1914
- Platycorynus aemulus (Lefèvre, 1889)
- Platycorynus aeneus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus affinis (Chen, 1934)
- Platycorynus ahmadi (Abdullah & Qureshi, 1969)[4]
- Platycorynus amethystinus (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus andamanensis (Lefèvre, 1891)[12]
- Platycorynus angularis Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus angulicollis (Jacoby, 1884)[13]
- Platycorynus apicalis Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[5]
- Platycorynus approximans Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus arcuatefasciatus (Pic, 1938)[5]
- Platycorynus argentipilus Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus asphodelus (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus assamensis (Baly, 1879)
- Platycorynus aureipennis (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus azureus (Sahlberg, 1829)
- Platycorynus backoensis Medvedev & Rybakova, 1985
- Platycorynus bakeri (Weise, 1922)[15]
- Platycorynus balyi (Jacoby, 1884)[13]
- Platycorynus basalis (Jacoby, 1884)[13]
- Platycorynus bellus (Chen, 1940)
- Platycorynus bengalensis (Duvivier, 1890)
- Platycorynus biseriatus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus brevipennis (Jacoby, 1896)[16]
- Platycorynus buonloicus Medvedev & Rybakova, 1985
- Platycorynus cavifrons (Jacoby, 1908)[9]
- Platycorynus ceylonensis (Jacoby, 1908)[9]
- Platycorynus chalybaeus (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus chrysis (Olivier, 1808)
- Platycorynus chrysochoides Chen, 1940
- Platycorynus chapanus (Chen, 1934)
- Platycorynus circumductus (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus coelestinus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus coeruleatus (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus coeruleicollis (Pic, 1940)
- Platycorynus compressicornis (Fabricius, 1801)
- Platycorynus congener Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus costatus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus costipennis (Chen, 1940)
- Platycorynus cribratellus (Fairmaire, 1885)[17]
- Platycorynus cumingi Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus cupreoviridis Tan, 1992
- Platycorynus cupreatus (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus cupreus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus cyanicollis (Olivier, 1791)
- Platycorynus davidi (Lefèvre, 1887)
- Platycorynus decemnotatus (Baly, 1860)
- Platycorynus dejeani Bertoloni, 1849
- Platycorynus deletus (Lefèvre, 1890)
- Platycorynus dentatus Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus descarpentriesi (Selman, 1970)[18]
- Platycorynus discoidalis (Jacoby, 1898)
- Platycorynus dohrni Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus egenus (Lefèvre, 1887)
- Platycorynus egregrius (Lefèvre, 1885)
- Platycorynus elegantulus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus fabricii Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus faroogi (Abdullah & Qureshi, 1969)[4]
- Platycorynus fraternus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus fulgurans (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus fuscoaeneus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus gibbosus (Chen, 1934)
- Platycorynus grahami Gressitt & Kimoto, 1961
- Platycorynus gratiosus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus hijau Medvedev & Takizawa, 2011[19]
- Platycorynus hirsutus (Jacoby, 1895)[20]
- Platycorynus igneicollis (Hope, 1843)
- Platycorynus igneipennis (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus igneofasciatus (Baly, 1860)[5]
- Platycorynus ignitus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus impressicollis (Jacoby, 1908)[9]
- Platycorynus indigaceus Chevrolat, 1841
- Platycorynus iridescens (Berlioz, 1917)[5]
- Platycorynus janthinus (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus japonicus (Jacoby, 1896)
- Platycorynus japonicus japonicus (Jacoby, 1896)
- Platycorynus japonicus umebayanashii Kimoto, 1974[21]
- Platycorynus kivuensis (Burgeon, 1940)
- Platycorynus laeviusculus (Lefèvre, 1888)
- Platycorynus laosensis Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[5]
- Platycorynus lateralis (Hope, 1831)
- Platycorynus latus (Pic, 1934)
- Platycorynus lefevrei (Jacoby, 1895)[20]
- Platycorynus limbatus (Baly, 1881)[22]
- Platycorynus limbatus congoensis (Burgeon, 1940)
- Platycorynus limbatus limbatus (Baly, 1881)[22]
- Platycorynus longicornis Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus lorquini (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus malachiticus (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus marginalis (Weise, 1912)[23]
- Platycorynus marshalli Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus mentaweiensis (Jacoby, 1896)
- Platycorynus micans (Chen, 1934)
- Platycorynus micheli (Lesne, 1900)
- Platycorynus modestus (Jacoby, 1908)[9]
- Platycorynus monstrosus (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus mouhoti Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus multicostatus (Jacoby, 1895)[20]
- Platycorynus mutabilis Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus nasiri (Abdullah & Qureshi, 1969)[4]
- Platycorynus niger (Chen, 1940)
- Platycorynus niger niger (Chen, 1940)
- Platycorynus niger yunnanensis Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus nigripes (J. Thomson, 1858)
- Platycorynus nitidus (Fabricius, 1792)
- Platycorynus obesus (Jacoby, 1908)[9]
- Platycorynus parryi Baly, 1864[24]
- Platycorynus parvofossulatus (Kuntzen, 1913)[25]
- Platycorynus parvulus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus peregrinus (Herbst, 1783)
- Platycorynus perplexus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus plebejus (Weise, 1889)
- Platycorynus pretiosus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus propinquus (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus pubicollis Medvedev & Rybakova, 1985
- Platycorynus pulchellus (Baly, 1860)[5]
- Platycorynus punctatissimus (Frölich, 1792)
- Platycorynus punctatus Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus purpureimicans Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus pyrophorus (Parry, 1843)
- Platycorynus pyrospilotus (Baly, 1860)[5]
- Platycorynus raffrayi (Lefèvre, 1877)
- Platycorynus robustus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus roseus Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus rufescens Medvedev & Takizawa, 2011[19]
- Platycorynus rufipennis (Pic, 1934)
- Platycorynus rugipennis (Jacoby, 1895)[20][5]
- Platycorynus rugosus Kimoto & Gressitt, 1982[5]
- Platycorynus rutilans (Lefèvre, 1884)[26]
- Platycorynus sauteri (Chûjô, 1938)
- Platycorynus schwaneri (Lefèvre, 1890)
- Platycorynus sheppardi Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus simplicicornis (Lefèvre, 1885)
- Platycorynus speciosus (Lefèvre, 1891)[5][12]
- Platycorynus splendens Medvedev, 2015[27]
- Platycorynus stevensi Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus suaveolus (Marshall, 1865)[2]
- Platycorynus subcarinatus (Pic, 1927)[5]
- Platycorynus subcostatus (Jacoby, 1894)[28]
- Platycorynus sulcus Tan, 1982
- Platycorynus sumbawensis (Jacoby, 1895)[20]
- Platycorynus superbus (Weise, 1922)[15]
- Platycorynus tonkinensis (Lefèvre, 1893)[29]
- Platycorynus travancorensis (Jacoby, 1908)[9]
- Platycorynus tridentatus (Jacoby, 1908)[9]
- Platycorynus trilobatus (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus tuberculatus Baly, 1864[11]
- Platycorynus undatus (Olivier, 1791)
- Platycorynus unituberculatus (Jacoby, 1894)[28]
- Platycorynus verschureni Selman, 1972[30]
- Platycorynus victinus (Pic, 1940)
- Platycorynus viridanus (Baly, 1867)[14]
- Platycorynus waterhousei Baly, 1864[11]
- Corynodes beauchenei Jacoby, 1889: синоним вида Platycorynus aemulus (Lefèvre, 1889)[5]
- Corynodes dilaticollis Jacoby, 1892: синоним вида Platycorynus chalybaeus (Marshall, 1865)[5]
- Corynodes fonkineus Lefèvre, 1893:[29] синоним вида Platycorynus deletus (Lefèvre, 1890)[5]
- Corynodes gibbifrons Lefèvre, 1885: синоним вида Platycorynus gratiosus Baly, 1864[5]
- Corynodes paviei Lefèvre, 1890: синоним вида Platycorynus chalybaeus (Marshall, 1865)[5]
- Platycorynus birmanicus (Jacoby, 1896): синоним вида Platycorynus chalybaeus (Marshall, 1865)
- Platycorynus florentini (Lefèvre, 1893):[29][5] синоним вида Platycorynus speciosus (Lefèvre, 1891)
Виды, перемещённые в другие роды:
- Corynodes (?) fulvicollis Jacoby, 1889: перенесён в род Chalcolema[31]
- Moseyko, A. G. New nomenclatural and taxonomic acts, and comments. Chrysomelidae: Eumolpinae // Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea / A. G. Moseyko, E. Sprecher-Uebersax. — Stenstrup, Denmark : Apollo Books, 2010. — P. 80–83. — ISBN 978-87-88757-84-2.
- Marshall, T. A. (1864). “Corynodinorum Recensio”. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 8 (29): 24—50. DOI:10.1111/j.1096-3642.1864.tb02004.x.
- Clark, H. (1865). “Descriptions of species of Phytophaga received from Pulo Penang or its neighbourhood”. Annals and Magazine of Natural History. 3. 15 (86): 139—148. DOI:10.1080/00222936508681774.
- Abdullah, M.; Qureshi, S. S. (1969). “A key to the Pakistani genera and species of the Chrysomelinae and Halticinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), with description of new genera and species including the economic importance”. Pakistan Journal of Science and Industrial Research. 12: 105—120.
- Kimoto, S.; Gressitt, J. L. (1982). “Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) of Thailand, Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. III. Eumolpinae” (PDF). Esakia. 18: 1—141. HDL:2324/2421.
- Moseyko, A. G. Eumolpinae // Catalogue of Palaearctic Coleoptera. Volume 6. Chrysomeloidea / A. G. Moseyko, E. Sprecher-Uebersax. — Stenstrup, Denmark : Apollo Books, 2010. — P. 619–643. — ISBN 978-87-88757-84-2.
- Zoia, Stefano genus Platycorynus . African Eumolpinae site (Coleoptera Chrysomelidae). Дата обращения: 9 декабря 2013.
- Mohamedsaid, M. S. Catalogue of the Malaysian Chrysomelidae (Insecta: Coleoptera). — Pensoft Publishers, 2004. — Vol. 36. — P. 1–239. — ISBN 9546422010.
- Jacoby, M. Coleoptera. Chrysomelidae. Vol. 1. — Taylor & Francis, 1908.
- Clavareau, H. (1914), Chrysomelidae: 11. Eumolpinae, Coleopterorum Catalogus, vol. 59, Berlin: W. Junk, pp. 1–215, <>
- Baly, J. S. Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophaga. — J.S. Baly, 1864.
- Lefèvre, E. (1891). “Descriptions d'espèces nouvelles de Clytrides et d'Eumolpides”. Annales de la Société Entomologique de Belgique. 35: CCXLVIII—CCLXXIX.
- Jacoby, M. (1884). “Descriptions of new genera and species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from Sumatra”. Notes from the Leyden Museum. 6: 9—70.
- Baly, J. S. (1867). “Phytophaga Malayana; a revision of the phytophagous beetles of the Malay Archipelago, with descriptions of the new species collected by Mr. A. R. Wallace”. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 3. 4: 1—300. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1866.tb01857.x.
- Weise, J. (1922). “Chrysomeliden der Philippinen: III” (PDF). The Philippine Journal of Science. 21 (5): 423—490. Архивировано из оригинала (PDF) 2021-05-15. Дата обращения 2020-05-05. Используется устаревший параметр
(справка) - Jacoby, M. (1896). “Descriptions of the new genera and species of phytophagous Coleoptera obtained by Dr. Modigliani in Sumatra”. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Genova. 2. 16 (36): 377—501.
- Fairmaire, L (1885). “Descriptions de deux Corynodes”. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France. 1885: lxxxii—lxxxiii.
- Selman, B. J. (1970). “Mission A. Villiers et A. Descarpentries. Contribution à la faune du Congo (Brazzaville). XCV. Coléoptères Chrysomelidae Eumolpinae”. Bulletin de l'Institut fondamental d'Afrique noire. Série A. 32 (1): 251—261.
- Medvedev, L. N.; Takizawa, H. (2011). “Leaf beetles of the subfamily Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) from Bali, Indonesia”. Serangga. 16 (1): 7—27.
- Jacoby, M. (1895). “Descriptions of new species of Phytophagous Coleoptera from the Indo- and Austro-Malayan-Regions”. Stettiner Entomologische Zeitung. 56: 52—80.
- Kimoto, S. (1974). “On some infraspecific variation of chrysomelid-beetles (Coleoptera) occurring in the Ryukyu Archipelago” (PDF). Kontyû. 42 (3): 270—282.
- Baly, J. S. (1881). “Descriptions of uncharacterized species of Eumolpidæ, with notices of some previously described insects belonging to the same Family”. Transactions of the Entomological Society of London. 29 (4): 491—506. DOI:10.1111/j.1365-2311.1881.tb00878.x.
- Weise, J. (1912). “Beitrag zur Kenntnis der Chrysomeliden”. Archiv für Naturgeschichte. Abteilung A. 78 (2): 76—98.
- Baly, J. S. (1864). “Descriptions of New Genera and Species of Eumolpidae”. The Journal of Entomology. 2: 219—223.
- Kuntzen, H. (1913). “Zur Kenntnis der afrikanischen Corynoden (Coleopt. Chrysomelidae)” (PDF). Archiv für Naturgeschichte. A. 79 (7): 78—132.
- Lefèvre, E. (1884). “[Les descriptions de trois nouvelles espèces de Coléopteres]”. Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France: CXLIX—CL.
- Medvedev, L.N. (2015). “New taxa of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Vietnam” (PDF). Russian Entomological Journal. 24 (1): 67—72. DOI:10.15298/rusentj.24.1.06.
- Jacoby, M. (1894). “Descriptions of new genera and species of phytophagous Coleoptera obtained by W. Doherty in the Malayan Archipelago”. Novitates Zoologicae. 1: 267—330. DOI:10.5962/bhl.part.24565.
- Lefèvre, E. (1893). “Contributions à la faune Indo-Chinoise, 12. Clytrides & Eumolpides”. Annales de la Société Entomologique de France. 62: 111—134.
- Selman, B. J. (1972). “Eumolpinae (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae)”. Exploration Parc National de la Garamba. Mission H. De Saeger. 55: 1—95.
- Medvedev, L. N. (2001). “Jacoby's types of Chrysomelidae (Coleoptera) from Burma in the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria", Genoa. Part 1”. Annali del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale "Giacomo Doria". 93: 167—184.
- Synopsis of the described Coleoptera of the World (недоступная ссылка)
- The African Eumolpinae site
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