Список журналов издательства Springer

Список журналов издательства Springer — Список включает научные и научно-популярные журналы издательства Springer Science, распределенные по тематике и алфавиту. С 2006 года электронные версии журналов (в том числе и за предыдущие годы) публикуются на ресурсе , где для некоторых журналов реализован свободный доступ.

Биомедицина и науки о жизни (Biomedical and Life Sciences)

  • Acta Theriologica
  • AGE
  • Agroforestry Systems
  • Agronomy for Sustainable Development
  • Algorithms for Molecular Biology  — свободный доступ на springerlink.com (недоступная ссылка)
  • Alpine Botany
  • Alzheimer’s Research & Therapy  — свободный доступ на springerlink.com (недоступная ссылка)
  • American Journal of Potato Research
  • Amino Acids
  • Animal Cognition
  • Annals of Biomedical Engineering
  • Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials  — свободный доступ на springerlink.com (недоступная ссылка)
  • Annals of Forest Science
  • Annals of Microbiology
  • Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
  • Anzeiger für Schädlingskunde
  • Apidologie
  • Applied Biochemistry and Microbiology
  • Applied Entomology and Zoology
  • Aquaculture International
  • Aquarium Sciences and Conservation
  • Aquatic Ecology
  • Aquatic Sciences — Research Across Boundaries
  • Archiv für Mikroskopische Anatomie
  • Archives of Microbiology
  • Archives of Pharmacal Research
  • Archives of Toxicology
  • Archives of Virology
  • Archivum Immunologiae et Therapiae Experimentalis
  • Arid Ecosystems
  • Arthropod-Plant Interactions
  • Australasian Physical & Engineering Science in Medicine
  • Australasian Plant Disease Notes
  • Australasian Plant Pathology
  • Autoimmunity Highlights
  • Behavior Genetics
  • Behavioral and Brain Functions
  • Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology
  • Biochemical Genetics
  • Biochemistry (Moscow)
  • Biochemistry (Moscow) Supplemental Series A: Membrane and Cell Biology
  • BioControl
  • BioData Mining
  • Biodiversity and Conservation
  • Biogerontology
  • Biologia
  • Biologia Plantarum
  • Biological Cybernetics
  • Biological Invasions
  • Biological Procedures Online
  • Biological Trace Element Research
  • Biology Bulletin
  • Biology Bulletin Reviews
  • Biology Direct
  • Biology of Sex Differences
  • BioMetals
  • Bioscience Reports
  • Biosemiotics
  • Bioseparation
  • BIOspektrum
  • Biotechnology Letters
  • BMC Biochemistry
  • BMC Bioinformatics
  • BMC Biology
  • BMC Cancer
  • BMC Cell Biology
  • BMC Chemical Biology
  • BMC Clinical Pharmacology
  • BMC Developmental Biology
  • BMC Ecology
  • BMC Evolutionary Biology
  • BMC Genetics
  • BMC Genomics
  • BMC Immunology
  • BMC Medical Genetics
  • BMC Medical Genomics
  • BMC Microbiology
  • BMC Molecular Biology
  • BMC Neuroscience
  • BMC Pharmacology
  • BMC Physiology
  • BMC Plant Biology
  • BMC Research Notes
  • BMC Structural Biology
  • BMC Systems Biology
  • Botanica Helvetica
  • The Botanical Review
  • Brain and Mind
  • Brain Cell Biology
  • Brain Structure and Function
  • Brain Topography
  • Breast Cancer Research
  • Brittonia
  • Bulletin of Experimental Biology and Medicine
  • Calcified Tissue International
  • Cancer Cell International
  • Cancer Chemotherapy and Pharmacology
  • Cancer Immunology, Immunotherapy
  • Cancer Microenvironment
  • Cardiovascular Engineering
  • Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology
  • Cardiovascular Toxicology
  • Carlsberg Research Communications
  • Cell & Bioscience
  • Cell and Tissue Banking
  • Cell and Tissue Biology
  • Cell and Tissue Research
  • Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Cell Biology and Toxicology
  • Cell Communication and Signaling
  • Cell Division
  • Cell Regeneration
  • Cell Stress and Chaperones
  • Cellular & Molecular Biology Letters
  • Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences
  • Cellular and Molecular Neurobiology
  • Cellular Oncology
  • Central European Journal of Biology
  • Centrosome Research
  • The Cerebellum
  • Cerebrospinal Fluid Research
  • Chemoecology
  • Chinese Science Bulletin
  • Chromosoma
  • Chromosome Research
  • Cilia
  • Clinical Epigenetics
  • Clinical Proteomics
  • Clinical Sarcoma Research
  • Cognitive Computation
  • Cognitive Neurodynamics
  • Cognitive Processing
  • Conservation Genetics
  • Conservation Genetics Resources
  • Contemporary Problems of Ecology
  • Current Genetics
  • Current Microbiology
  • Cytology and Genetics  — (Цитология и генетика)
  • Dairy Science & Technology
  • Debates in Neuroscience
  • Development Genes and Evolution
  • Doklady Biochemistry and Biophysics
  • Doklady Biological Sciences
  • Doklady Botanical Sciences
  • Drug Delivery and Translational Research
  • Ecological Research
  • Economic Botany
  • Ecosystems
  • e-Neuroforum
  • Entomologia Experimentalis et Applicata — в настоящий момент выходит в издательстве Wiley on-line.
  • Entomological Review
  • Environmental and Ecological Statistics
  • Epigenetics & Chromatin
  • The EPMA Journal
  • Ergebnisse der Physiologie, biologischen Chemie und experimentellen Pharmakologie
  • Erwerbs-Obstbau
  • Euphytica
  • European Journal of Applied Physiology
  • European Journal of Applied Physiology and Occupational Physiology
  • European Journal of Clinical Microbiology & Infectious Diseases
  • European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
  • European Journal of Drug Metabolism and Pharmacokinetics
  • European Journal of Forest Research
  • European Journal of Plant Pathology
  • European Journal of Wildlife Research
  • European Journal of Wood and Wood Products
  • EvoDevo
  • Evolution: Education and Outreach
  • Evolutionary Biology
  • Evolutionary Ecology
  • Experimental & Translational Stroke Medicine
  • Experimental and Applied Acarology
  • Experimental Biology Online
  • Experimental Brain Research
  • Extremophiles
  • Filaria Journal
  • Fish Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Fisheries Science
  • Folia Geobotanica
  • Folia Microbiologica
  • Food and Environmental Virology
  • Food Security
  • Forestry Studies in China
  • Forstwissenschaftliches Centralblatt
  • Frontiers in Biology
  • Frontiers in Zoology
  • Frontiers of Agriculture in China
  • Frontiers of Biology in China
  • Frontiers of Forestry in China
  • Functional & Integrative Genomics
  • Fungal Diversity
  • Genes & Genomics
  • Genes & Nutrition
  • Genetic Resources and Crop Evolution
  • Genetic Vaccines and Therapy
  • Genetica
  • Genetics Selection Evolution
  • Genome Biology
  • Genome Integrity
  • Genome Medicine
  • Genomic Medicine
  • Gesunde Pflanzen
  • Glycoconjugate Journal
  • Helgoland Marine Research
  • Helminthologia
  • The Histochemical Journal
  • Horticulture, Environment, and Biotechnology
  • The HUGO Journal
  • Human Cell
  • Human Genetics
  • Human Physiology
  • Hydrobiologia
  • Ichthyological Research
  • Iconographia Mycologica
  • Immunity & Ageing
  • Immunogenetics
  • Immunome Research
  • In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology — Animal
  • In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology — Plant
  • Indian Journal of Clinical Biochemistry
  • Indian Journal of Microbiology
  • Indian Journal of Virology
  • Infectious Agents and Cancer
  • Inflammation Research
  • Inflammopharmacology
  • Inland Water Biology
  • Insectes Sociaux
  • Integrated Pest Management Reviews
  • Interdisciplinary Sciences: Computational Life Sciences
  • International Journal of Peptide Research and Therapeutics
  • International Journal of Primatology
  • International Journal of Salt Lake Research
  • International Microbiology
  • Invertebrate Neuroscience
  • Investigative Genetics
  • Irrigation and Drainage Systems
  • Irrigation Science
  • Journal für Verbraucherschutz und Lebensmittelsicherheit
  • Journal of Applied Genetics
  • Journal of Applied Phycology
  • Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery (Formerly Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Health)
  • Journal of Biological Inorganic Chemistry
  • Journal of Biology
  • Journal of Biomedical Science
  • Journal of Biomedical Science
  • Journal of Biosciences
  • Journal of Cancer Education
  • Journal of Cell Communication and Signaling
  • Journal of Chemical Biology
  • Journal of Chemical Ecology
  • Journal of Circadian Rhythms
  • Journal of Clinical Immunology
  • Journal of Community Genetics
  • Journal of Comparative Physiology A: Neuroethology, Sensory, Neural, and Behavioral Physiology
  • Journal of Comparative Physiology B: Biochemical, Systemic, and Environmental Physiology
  • Journal of Computational Neuroscience
  • Journal of Crop Science and Biotechnology
  • Journal of Ethology
  • Journal of Evolutionary Biochemistry and Physiology
  • Journal of Fluorescence
  • Journal of Forest Research
  • Journal of Forestry Research
  • Journal of General Plant Pathology
  • Journal of Genetic Counseling
  • Journal of Genetics
  • Journal of Human Genetics
  • Journal of Ichthyology
  • Journal of Immune Based Therapies and Vaccines
  • Journal of Industrial Microbiology & Biotechnology
  • Journal of Inflammation
  • Journal of Insect Behavior
  • Journal of Insect Conservation
  • Journal of Mammalian Evolution
  • Journal of Medical Toxicology
  • Journal of Membrane Biology
  • Journal of Microbiology
  • Journal of Molecular Evolution
  • Journal of Molecular Histology
  • Journal of Molecular Medicine
  • Journal of Molecular Neuroscience
  • Journal of Molecular Signaling
  • Journal of Muscle Research and Cell Motility
  • Journal of Natural Medicines
  • Journal of Negative Results in BioMedicine
  • Journal of Neurocytology
  • Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation
  • Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology
  • Journal of Neuroinflammation
  • Journal of NeuroVirology
  • Journal of Ornithology
  • Journal of Pest Science
  • Journal of Pharmaceutical Innovation
  • Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics
  • Journal of Physiological Sciences
  • Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry
  • Journal of Plant Biochemistry and Biotechnology
  • Journal of Plant Biology
  • Journal of Plant Growth Regulation
  • Journal of Plant Research
  • Journal of Structural and Functional Genomics
  • Journal of The American Society for Mass Spectrometry
  • Journal of The Indian Academy of Wood Science
  • Journal of Translational Medicine
  • Journal of Wood Science
  • Journal of Zhejiang University — Science B
  • Kew Bulletin
  • Kinetoplastid Biology and Disease
  • La Rivista Italiana della Medicina di Laboratorio
  • Landscape and Ecological Engineering
  • Landscape Ecology
  • Letters in Peptide Science
  • Limnology
  • Lipids in Health and Disease
  • Malaria Journal
  • Mammalian Genome
  • Mangroves and Salt Marshes
  • Marine Biodiversity
  • Marine Biology
  • Medical Electron Microscopy
  • Medical Microbiology and Immunology
  • Medical Molecular Morphology
  • Medicinal Chemistry Research
  • Medizinische Genetik
  • Metabolic Brain Disease
  • Metabolomics
  • Methods in Cell Science
  • Microbial Ecology
  • Microbiology
  • Mobile DNA
  • Molecular & Cellular Toxicology
  • Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry
  • Molecular and Chemical Neuropathology
  • Molecular and General Genetics MGG
  • Molecular Biology
  • Molecular Biology Reports
  • Molecular Biotechnology
  • Molecular Brain
  • Molecular Breeding
  • Molecular Cancer
  • Molecular Cytogenetics
  • Molecular Engineering
  • Molecular Genetics and Genomics
  • Molecular Genetics, Microbiology and Virology
  • Molecular Neurobiology
  • Molecular Neurodegeneration
  • Molecules and Cells
  • Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin
  • Mycological Progress
  • Mycopathologia
  • Mycorrhiza
  • Mycoscience
  • Mycotoxin Research
  • Naturwissenschaften
  • Naunyn-Schmiedeberg’s Archives of Pharmacology
  • Neural Development
  • Neurochemical Journal
  • Neurochemical Research
  • neurogenetics
  • Neuroinformatics
  • Neurophysiology
  • Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology
  • Neuroscience Bulletin
  • Neurotherapeutics
  • Neurotoxicity Research
  • New Forests
  • The Nucleus
  • Oecologia
  • Organic Agriculture
  • Organisms Diversity & Evolution
  • Oriental Pharmacy & Experimental Medicine
  • Origins of Life and Evolution of Biospheres
  • Paddy and Water Environment
  • Palaeobiodiversity and Palaeoenvironments
  • Parasites & Vectors
  • Parasitology Research
  • Particle and Fibre Toxicology
  • Pathology & Oncology Research
  • Pflügers Archiv European Journal of Physiology
  • Pharmaceutical Research
  • Photosynthesis Research
  • Photosynthetica
  • Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants
  • Phytochemistry Reviews
  • Phytoparasitica
  • Plant and Soil
  • Plant Biotechnology Reports
  • Plant Cell Reports
  • Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture
  • Plant Ecology
  • Plant Growth Regulation
  • Plant Methods
  • Plant Molecular Biology
  • Plant Molecular Biology Reporter
  • Plant Systematics and Evolution
  • Planta
  • Polar Biology
  • Population Ecology
  • Potato Research
  • Primates
  • Probiotics and Antimicrobial Proteins
  • Proceedings of the Zoological Society
  • Proceedings: Animal Sciences
  • Proceedings: Plant Sciences
  • Protein & Cell
  • Proteome
  • Proteome Science
  • Protoplasma
  • Psychopharmacology
  • Purinergic Signalling
  • Researches on Population Ecology
  • Retrovirology
  • Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries
  • Rice
  • Russian Agricultural Sciences
  • Russian Journal of Biological Invasions
  • Russian Journal of Bioorganic Chemistry
  • Russian Journal of Developmental Biology
  • Russian Journal of Ecology
  • Russian Journal of Genetics
  • Russian Journal of Genetics: Applied Research
  • Russian Journal of Marine Biology
  • Russian Journal of Plant Physiology
  • SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences
  • Science in China Series C: Life Sciences
  • Seminars in Immunopathology
  • Sexual Plant Reproduction
  • Silence
  • Small-Scale Forestry
  • Somatic Cell and Molecular Genetics
  • Source Code for Biology and Medicine
  • Springer Seminars in Immunopathology
  • Stem Cell Research & Therapy
  • Stem Cell Reviews and Reports
  • Sugar Tech
  • Symbiosis
  • Systematic Parasitology
  • Systems and Synthetic Biology
  • TAG Theoretical and Applied Genetics
  • Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling
  • Theoretical Ecology
  • Theory in Biosciences
  • Toxicology and Environmental Health Sciences
  • Transgenic Research
  • Translational Stroke Research
  • Tree Genetics & Genomes
  • Trees — Structure and Function
  • Tropical Plant Biology
  • Tumor Biology
  • Urban Ecosystems
  • Virologica Sinica
  • Virology Journal — свободный доступ на springerlink.com
  • Virus Genes
  • Wetlands
  • Wetlands Ecology and Management
  • Wood Science and Technology
  • Zeitschrift für Jagdwissenschaft
  • Zoomorphology

Земля и Окружающая среда (Earth and Environmental Science)

  • Acta Geophysica
  • Acta Meteorologica Sinica
  • Acta Oceanologica Sinica
  • Acta Seismologica Sinica
  • Advances in Atmospheric Sciences
  • Aerobiologia
  • Air Quality, Atmosphere & Health
  • AMBIO: A Journal of the Human Environment
  • Annales Geophysicae
  • Applied Geomatics
  • Applied Geophysics
  • Applied Petrochemical Research
  • Applied Spatial Analysis and Policy
  • Applied Water Science
  • Aquatic Geochemistry
  • Arabian Journal of Geosciences
  • Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
  • ARI — An International Journal for Physical and Engineering Sciences
  • Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences
  • BHM Berg- und Hüttenmännische Monatshefte
  • Biodegradation
  • Biogeochemistry
  • Biology and Fertility of Soils
  • Boundary-Layer Meteorology
  • Bulletin Géodésique (1922—1941)
  • Bulletin Géodésique (1946—1975)
  • Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering
  • Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment
  • Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology
  • Bulletin of Volcanology
  • Bulletin Volcanologique
  • Carbon Balance and Management
  • Carbonates and Evaporites
  • Central European Journal of Geosciences
  • Chesapeake Science
  • Chinese Geographical Science
  • Chinese Journal of Geochemistry
  • Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology
  • Climate Dynamics
  • Climatic Change
  • Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology
  • Coral Reefs
  • Doklady Earth Sciences
  • Earth Science Informatics
  • Earthquake Science
  • Eclogae Geologicae Helvetiae
  • EcoHealth
  • Ecotoxicology
  • Energy Efficiency
  • Environment, Development and Sustainability
  • Environmental Biology of Fishes
  • Environmental Chemistry Letters
  • Environmental Earth Sciences
  • Environmental Engineering and Policy
  • Environmental Fluid Mechanics
  • Environmental Geochemistry and Health
  • Environmental Geology
  • Environmental Health
  • Environmental Management
  • Environmental Modeling and Assessment
  • Environmental Monitoring and Assessment
  • Environmental Science and Pollution Research
  • Environmental Sciences Europe
  • Estuaries and Coasts
  • Eurasian Soil Science
  • Facies
  • Frontiers of Earth Science
  • Frontiers of Earth Science in China
  • Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering in China
  • Geochemical Transactions
  • Geochemistry International
  • Geochronometria
  • Geography and Natural Resources
  • Geoheritage
  • GeoInformatica
  • GeoJournal
  • Geologie en Mijnbouw
  • Geologische Rundschau
  • Geology of Ore Deposits
  • Geomagnetism and Aeronomy
  • Geo-Marine Letters
  • Geosciences Journal
  • Geo-Spatial Information Science
  • Geotechnical and Geological Engineering
  • Geotectonics
  • GPS Solutions
  • Grundwasser
  • Hydrogeology Journal
  • Integrated Assessment
  • International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics
  • International Journal of Biometeorology
  • International Journal of Earth Sciences
  • Izvestiya Atmospheric and Oceanic Physics
  • Izvestiya Physics of the Solid Earth
  • Journal of Applied Volcanology
  • Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry
  • Journal of Coal Science and Engineering (China)
  • Journal of Coastal Conservation
  • Journal of Earth Science
  • Journal of Earth System Science
  • Journal of Environmental Studies and Sciences
  • Journal of Geodesy
  • Journal of Geographical Sciences
  • Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
  • Journal of Material Cycles and Waste Management
  • Journal of Mining Science
  • Journal of Mountain Science
  • Journal of Ocean University of China (English Edition)
  • Journal of Oceanography
  • Journal of Paleolimnology
  • Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technologies
  • Journal of Seismology
  • Journal of Soils and Sediments
  • Journal of the Geological Society of India
  • Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing
  • Journal of Volcanology and Seismology
  • Journal of Water Chemistry and Technology
  • Landslides
  • Lithology and Mineral Resources
  • Marine Biotechnology
  • Marine Geophysical Research
  • Mathematical Geology
  • Mathematical Geosciences
  • Meteorology and Atmospheric Physics
  • Mine Water and the Environment
  • Mineralium Deposita
  • Mineralogy and Petrology
  • Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
  • Moscow University Geology Bulletin
  • Moscow University Soil Science Bulletin
  • Natur und Recht
  • Natural Hazards
  • Natural Resources Research
  • Nutrient Cycling in Agroecosystems
  • Ocean Dynamics
  • Ocean Science Journal
  • Oceanological and Hydrobiological Studies
  • Oceanology
  • Paläontologische Zeitschrift
  • Paleontological Journal
  • Pastoralism
  • Petroleum Science
  • Petrology
  • Physical Oceanography
  • Physics and Chemistry of Minerals
  • Precision Agriculture
  • Pure and Applied Geophysics
  • Quantitative Microbiology
  • Raumforschung und Raumordnung
  • Regional Environmental Change
  • Rendiconti Lincei
  • Reviews in Environmental Science and Biotechnology
  • Risk Analysis
  • Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering
  • Russian Journal of Pacific Geology
  • Russian Meteorology and Hydrology
  • Saline Systems
  • SCIENCE CHINA Earth Sciences
  • Science in China Series D: Earth Sciences
  • Sciences of Soils
  • Seismic Instruments
  • Soil Mechanics and Foundation Engineering
  • Standort — Zeitschrift für angewandte Geographie
  • Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment
  • Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics
  • Stratigraphy and Geological Correlation
  • Studia Geophysica et Geodaetica
  • Surveys in Geophysics
  • Sustainability Science
  • Swiss Journal of Geosciences
  • Swiss Journal of Palaeontology
  • The Environmentalist
  • The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment
  • Theoretical and Applied Climatology
  • Transport in Porous Media
  • Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung
  • Urban Forum
  • Vegetation History and Archaeobotany
  • Visual Geosciences
  • Water History
  • Water Quality and Ecosystems Modeling
  • Water Quality, Exposure and Health
  • Water Resources
  • Water Resources Management
  • Water, Air, & Soil Pollution
  • Water, Air, & Soil Pollution cover
  • Water, Air, & Soil Pollution: Focus
  • Zeitschrift für Kristallographie, Mineralogie und Petrographie

Журналы по психологии (Behavioral Science)

  • Ageing International
  • American Journal of Community Psychology
  • American Journal of Dance Therapy
  • Annals of Behavioral Medicine
  • Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
  • Archives of Sexual Behavior
  • Attention, Perception, & Psychophysics
  • Behavior Research Methods
  • Brain Imaging and Behavior
  • Child and Adolescent Social Work Journal
  • Child and Youth Care Forum
  • Child Psychiatry & Human Development
  • Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review
  • Clinical Social Work Journal
  • Cognitive Therapy and Research
  • Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience
  • Community Mental Health Journal
  • Contemporary Family Therapy
  • Current Psychological Reviews
  • Current Psychology
  • Dreaming
  • Educational Psychology Review
  • Expert Evidence
  • Forum der Psychoanalyse
  • Group
  • Integrative Physiological and Behavioral Science
  • Integrative Psychological and Behavioral Science
  • International Journal of Behavioral Medicine
  • International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction
  • International Journal of Rehabilitation and Health
  • International Journal of Stress Management
  • Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology
  • Journal of Adult Development
  • Journal of Applied Psychoanalytic Studies
  • Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders
  • Journal of Behavioral Education
  • Journal of Behavioral Medicine
  • Journal of Business and Psychology
  • Journal of Career Development
  • Journal of Child and Adolescent Group Therapy
  • Journal of Child and Family Studies
  • Journal of Clinical Geropsychology
  • Journal of Clinical Psychology in Medical Settings
  • Journal of Developmental and Physical Disabilities
  • Journal of Family Violence
  • Journal of Gender, Culture, and Health
  • Journal of International Migration and Integration
  • Journal of Near-Death Studies
  • Journal of Nonverbal Behavior
  • Journal of Poetry Therapy
  • Journal of Police and Criminal Psychology
  • Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
  • Journal of Psychology and Judaism
  • Journal of Psychopathology and Behavioral Assessment
  • Journal of Psychotherapy Integration
  • Journal of Rational-Emotive & Cognitive-Behavior Therapy
  • Journal of Religion and Health
  • Journal of Traumatic Stress
  • Journal of Youth and Adolescence
  • Law and Human Behavior
  • Learning & Behavior
  • Memory & Cognition
  • Mindfulness
  • Motivation and Emotion
  • Neuropsychology Review
  • Pastoral Psychology
  • Psychological Injury and Law
  • Psychological Research
  • Psychological Studies
  • Psychometrika
  • Psychonomic Bulletin & Review
  • Psycho-Oncologie
  • Psychotherapeut
  • Race and Social Problems
  • Revue Francophone de Psycho-Oncologie
  • School Mental Health
  • Sex Roles
  • Sexual Abuse: A Journal of Research and Treatment
  • Sexuality and Disability
  • Social Justice Research
  • Spatial Cognition and Computation
  • Substance Abuse
  • System Familie
  • The American Journal of Psychoanalysis

Инженерные науки (Engineering)

  • 3D Research
  • Acta Geotechnica
  • Acta Mechanica
  • Acta Mechanica Sinica
  • Advanced Performance Materials
  • Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing
  • Annals of Solid and Structural Mechanics
  • Annals of Telecommunications
  • Applied Scientific Research
  • Applied Scientific Research, Section B
  • Applied Solar Energy
  • Archive of Applied Mechanics
  • Archives of Computational Methods in Engineering
  • Atomic Energy
  • Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery
  • Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • BioMedical Engineering OnLine
  • Biomedical Microdevices
  • Building Simulation
  • CEAS Aeronautical Journal
  • CEAS Space Journal
  • Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering
  • Central European Journal of Engineering
  • China Ocean Engineering
  • Circuits, Systems, and Signal Processing
  • Clean Products and Processes
  • Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy
  • Computational Mechanics
  • Continuum Mechanics and Thermodynamics
  • Design Automation for Embedded Systems
  • Dynamics and Control
  • e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
  • Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration
  • Electrical Engineering (Archiv fur Elektrotechnik)
  • Energy Systems
  • European Transport Research Review
  • Evolutionary Intelligence
  • Evolving Systems
  • Experimental Mechanics
  • Experiments in Fluids
  • Fire Technology
  • Flexible Services and Manufacturing Journal
  • Flow, Turbulence and Combustion
  • Formal Methods in System Design
  • Forschung im Ingenieurwesen
  • Frontiers in Energy
  • Frontiers of Architecture and Civil Engineering in China
  • Frontiers of Electrical and Electronic Engineering in China
  • Frontiers of Energy and Power Engineering in China
  • Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering in China
  • Frontiers of Optoelectronics in China
  • Fuzzy Information and Engineering
  • Gyroscopy and Navigation
  • Health and Technology
  • Heat and Mass Transfer
  • IIE Transactions
  • Intelligent Service Robotics
  • International Journal of Advances in Engineering Sciences and Applied Mathematics
  • International Journal of Automation and Computing
  • International Journal of Automotive Technology
  • International Journal of Control, Automation and Systems
  • International Journal of Crashworthiness
  • International Journal of Flexible Manufacturing Systems
  • International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research
  • International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics
  • International Journal of Material Forming
  • International Journal of Mechanics and Materials in Design
  • International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing
  • International Journal of Social Robotics
  • International Journal of Speech Technology
  • International Journal of Steel Structures
  • International Journal of Systems Assurance Engineering and Management
  • International Journal of Wireless Information Networks
  • International Journal on Interactive Design and Manufacturing
  • Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
  • Journal of Biological Engineering
  • Journal of Biorheology
  • Journal of Central South University of Technology
  • Journal of Civil Structural Health Monitoring
  • Journal of Communications Technology and Electronics
  • Journal of Computational Electronics
  • Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International
  • Journal of Electronic Testing
  • Journal of Electronics (China)
  • Journal of Engineering Physics and Thermophysics  — (Инженерно-физический журнал)
  • Journal of Fusion Energy
  • Journal of Intelligent & Robotic Systems
  • Journal of Machinery Manufacture and Reliability
  • Journal of Marine Science and Application
  • Journal of Marine Science and Technology
  • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
  • Journal of Micro — Nano Mechatronics
  • Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation
  • Journal of Reducing Space Mission Cost
  • Journal of Remanufacturing
  • Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science)
  • Journal of Signal Processing Systems
  • Journal of Systems Science and Systems Engineering
  • Journal of Visualization
  • Journal of Zhejiang University — Science A
  • KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering
  • Logistics Research
  • Materials and Structures
  • Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing
  • Memetic Computing
  • Microfluidics and Nanofluidics
  • Microgravity Science and Technology
  • Microsystem Technologies
  • Multibody System Dynamics
  • Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing
  • Nonlinear Dynamics
  • Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications
  • Personal Technologies
  • Power Technology and Engineering (formerly Hydrotechnical Construction)
  • Problems of Information Transmission
  • Production Engineering
  • Radioelectronics and Communications Systems — (Известия высших учебных заведений. Радиоэлектроника)
  • Recherche Transports Sécurité
  • Research in Engineering Design
  • Russian Aeronautics (Iz VUZ)
  • Russian Electrical Engineering
  • Russian Engineering Research
  • Russian Microelectronics
  • Sadhana
  • SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences
  • Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences
  • Securitas Vialis
  • Sensing and Imaging: An International Journal
  • Signal, Image and Video Processing
  • Soft Computing — A Fusion of Foundations, Methodologies and Applications
  • Space Debris
  • Sports Engineering
  • Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization
  • Subsurface Sensing Technologies and Applications
  • Surface Engineering and Applied Electrochemistry
  • Swarm Intelligence
  • The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
  • The Journal of Sustainable Product Design
  • The Journal of VLSI Signal Processing
  • Thermal Engineering
  • Transactions of Tianjin University
  • Waste and Biomass Valorization
  • Welding International
  • Wireless Personal Communications
  • Zeitschrift für Angewandte Mathematik und Physik (ZAMP)
  • Zeitschrift für Energiewirtschaft

Компьютер и Информатика
(Computer Science)

  • Acta Informatica
  • Advances in Computational Mathematics
  • AI & Society
  • Algorithmica
  • Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence
  • Annals of Software Engineering
  • Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing
  • Applied Intelligence
  • Archives and Museum Informatics
  • Artificial Intelligence and Law
  • Artificial Intelligence Review
  • Artificial Life and Robotics
  • Automated Software Engineering
  • Automatic Control and Computer Sciences
  • Automatic Documentation and Mathematical Linguistics
  • Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems
  • Autonomous Robots
  • BT Technology Journal
  • Central European Journal of Computer Science
  • Cluster Computing
  • Cognition, Technology & Work
  • Computational Complexity
  • Computer Science — Research and Development
  • Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)
  • Constraints
  • Cryptography and Communications
  • Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery
  • Datenbank-Spektrum
  • Datenschutz und Datensicherheit — DuD
  • Distributed and Parallel Databases
  • Distributed Computing
  • Education and Information Technologies
  • Empirical Software Engineering
  • Engineering with Computers
  • Ethics and Information Technology
  • Formal Aspects of Computing
  • Frontiers of Computer Science in China
  • Genetic Programming and Evolvable Machines
  • Higher-Order and Symbolic Computation
  • Identity in the Information Society
  • Informatik — Forschung und Entwicklung
  • Informatik-Spektrum
  • Information Retrieval
  • Innovations in Systems and Software Engineering
  • International Journal of Computer Vision
  • International Journal of Information Security
  • International Journal of Parallel Programming
  • International Journal on Digital Libraries
  • International Journal on Document Analysis and Recognition
  • International Journal on Software Tools for Technology Transfer (STTT)
  • Journal in Computer Virology
  • Journal of Automated Reasoning
  • Journal of Computer Science and Technology
  • Journal of Control Theory and Applications
  • Journal of Cryptographic Engineering
  • Journal of Cryptology
  • Journal of Grid Computing
  • Journal of Intelligent Information Systems
  • Journal of Internet Services and Applications
  • Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision
  • Journal of Network and Systems Management
  • Journal of Real-Time Image Processing
  • Journal of Systems Integration
  • Journal of the Brazilian Computer Society
  • Journal of Zhejiang University — Science C
  • Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces
  • KI — Künstliche Intelligenz
  • Knowledge and Information Systems
  • Kognitionswissenschaft
  • LISP and Symbolic Computation
  • Machine Learning
  • Machine Vision and Applications
  • Minds and Machines
  • Mobile Networks and Applications
  • Multimedia Systems
  • Multimedia Tools and Applications
  • Natural Computing
  • Networking Science
  • Neural Computing & Applications
  • New Generation Computing
  • Numerical Algorithms
  • Optical Memory & Neural Networks
  • Optical Networks Magazine
  • Paladyn. Journal of Behavioral Robotics
  • Pattern Analysis & Applications
  • Pattern Recognition and Image Analysis
  • Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Photonic Network Communications
  • Programming and Computer Software
  • Real-Time Systems
  • Requirements Engineering
  • SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
  • Science in China Series F: Information Sciences
  • Scientific and Technical Information Processing
  • Scientometrics
  • Security Informatics
  • Service Oriented Computing and Applications
  • Social Network Analysis and Mining
  • Software — Concepts & Tools
  • Software and Systems Modeling
  • Software Quality Journal
  • The Journal of Supercomputing
  • The Visual Computer
  • The VLDB Journal
  • Theory of Computing Systems
  • Universal Access in the Information Society
  • User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction
  • Virtual Reality
  • Wireless Networks
  • World Wide Web

Химия (Chemistry and Materials Science)

Физика и астрономия (Physics and Astronomy)

Медицина (Medicine)

Математика и статистика (Mathematics and Statistics)

Гуманитарные науки
(Humanities, Social Sciences and Law)

Бизнес и Экономика
(Business and Economics)

См. также


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