Саати, Томас
Томас Саати (18 июля 1926 — 14 августа 2017) — профессор Пенсильванского и Питтсбургского университетов, автор «Метода анализа иерархий» (технологии принятия решений на основе математических расчётов и использования метода попарных сравнений).
Томас Лори Саати | |
Thomas Lorie Saaty | |
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Дата рождения | 18 июля 1926 |
Место рождения | Мосул Ирак |
Дата смерти | 14 августа 2017 (91 год) |
Место смерти | |
Страна |
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Научная сфера | математика |
Место работы | |
Альма-матер | |
Научный руководитель | Einar Hille[d][1] |
Известен как | создатель метода анализа иерархий |
Награды и премии | |
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Член Национальной инженерной академии США (2005)[2].
Метод анализа иерархий (англ. Analytic hierarchy process (AHP))
- 1980 The Analytic Hierarchy Process: Planning, Priority Setting, Resource Allocation, ISBN 0-07-054371-2, McGraw-Hill
- 1982 Decision Making for Leaders: The Analytical Hierarchy Process for Decisions in a Complex World, ISBN 0-534-97959-9, Wadsworth. 1988, Paperback, ISBN 0-9620317-0-4, RWS
- 1982 The Logic of Priorities: Applications in Business, Energy, Health, and Transportation, with Luis G. Vargas, ISBN 0-89838-071-5 (Hardcover) ISBN 0-89838-078-2 (Paperback), Kluwer-Nijhoff
- 1985 Analytical Planning: The Organization of Systems, with Kevin P. Kearns, ISBN 0-08-032599-8, Pergamon
- 1989 Conflict Resolution: The Analytic Hierarchy Process, with Joyce Alexander, ISBN 0-275-93229-X, Praeger
- 1991 Prediction, Projection and Forecasting: Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process in Economics, Finance, Politics, Games and Sports, with Luis G. Vargas, ISBN 0-7923-9104-7, Kluwer Academic
- 1992 The Hierarchon: A Dictionary of Hierarchies, with Ernest H. Forman, ISBN 0-9620317-5-5, RWS
- 1994 Fundamentals of Decision Making and Priority Theory with the Analytic Hierarchy Process, ISBN 0-9620317-6-3, RWS
- 1994 Decision Making in Economic, Social and Technological Environments, with Luis G. Vargas, ISBN 0-9620317-7-1, RWS
- 1996 Vol. III and IV of the Analytic Hierarchy Process Series, ISBN 1-888603-07-0 RWS
- 2001 Models, Methods, Concepts & Applications of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, with Luis G. Vargas, ISBN 0-7923-7267-0, Kluwer Academic
- 2007 Group Decision Making: Drawing Out and Reconciling Differences, with Kirti Peniwati, ISBN 1-888603-08-9, RWS
- 2008 Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process, Int. J. Services Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008 (https://web.archive.org/web/20170918192816/http://www.colorado.edu/geography/leyk/geog_5113/readings/saaty_2008.pdf) - includes a statement of priority scales which measure intangibles in relative terms.
Метод аналитических сетей (англ. Analytic network process (ANP))
- 1996 Decision Making with Dependence and Feedback: The Analytic Network Process, ISBN 0-9620317-9-8, RWS
- 2005 Theory and Applications of the Analytic Network Process: Decision Making with Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks, ISBN 1-888603-06-2, RWS
- 2005 The Encyclicon, A Dictionary of Decisions with Dependence and Feedback based on the Analytic Network Process, with Müjgan S. Özdemir, ISBN 1-888603-05-4, RWS
- 2006 Decision Making with the Analytic Network Process: Economic, Political, Social and Technological Applications with Benefits, Opportunities, Costs and Risks, with Luis G. Vargas, ISBN 0-387-33859-4, Springer
- 2008 The Encyclicon, Volume 2: A Dictionary of Complex Decisions using the Analytic Network Process, with Brady Cillo, ISBN 1-888603-09-7, RWS
- 2008 The analytic hierarchy and analytic network measurement processes: Applications to decisions under Risk', European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics, 1 (1), 122—196, (2008)
- 1999 The Brain: Unraveling the Mystery of How it Works, The Neural Network Process, ISBN 1-888603-02-X, RWS
- 2009 Principia Mathematica Decernendi: Mathematical Principles of Decision Making — Generalization of the Analytic Network Process to Neural Firing and Synthesis, ISBN 1-888603-10-0, RWS
Исследование операций (англ. Operations research)
- 1959 Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, no ISBN (translated into Japanese and Russian), McGraw-Hill. 1988 Extended edition, ISBN 0-486-65703-5, Dover (paperback)
- 1961 Elements of Queueing Theory with Applications, no ISBN (translated into Russian, Spanish and German), McGraw-Hill
- 1964 Nonlinear Mathematics, with J. Bram, no ISBN, McGraw-Hill. 1981 Reprinted as ISBN 0-486-64233-X, Dover (paperback)
- 1964—1965 Lectures on Modern Mathematics, Volumes I, II, III (Thomas L. Saaty, Editor), no ISBN (translated into Japanese), John Wiley
- 1965 Finite Graphs and Networks, with R. Busacker, no ISBN (translated into Japanese, Russian, German and Hungarian), McGraw-Hill
- 1967 Modern Nonlinear Equations, no ISBN, McGraw-Hill. 1981, reprinted as ISBN 0-486-64232-1, Dover (paperback)
- 1969 The Spirit and Uses of the Mathematical Sciences, (Thomas L. Saaty, Editor, with F.J. Weyl), no ISBN, McGraw-Hill
- 1970 Optimization in Integers and Related Extremal Problems, no ISBN (translated into Russian), McGraw-Hill
- 1977 The Four-Color Problem; Assaults and Conquest, ISBN 0-07-054382-8, with Paul C. Kainen, McGraw-Hill. 1986 Revised edition, ISBN 0-486-65092-8, Dover (paperback)
Прикладная математика
- 1968 Mathematical Models of Arms Control and Disarmament, ISBN 0-471-74810-2, John Wiley
- 1973 Topics in Behavioral Mathematics, no ISBN, Mathematical Association of America
- 1981 Thinking with Models: Mathematical Models in the Physical, Biological, and Social Sciences, with Joyce Alexander, hardback ISBN 0-08-026475-1, paperback ISBN 978-0-08-026474-5, Pergamon
Другие публикации
- 1973 Compact City, with George B. Dantzig, hardback ISBN 0-7167-0784-5, paperback ISBN 0-7167-0794-2 (translated into Japanese and Russian), W.H. Freeman
- 1990 Embracing the Future, with Larry W. Boone, ISBN 0-275-93573-6, Praeger
- 2001 Creative Thinking, Problem Solving & Decision Making, ISBN 1-888603-03-8, RWS
- 2013 Compact City: The Next Urban Evolution in Response to Climate Change, ISBN 1-888603-12-7, RWS
- Математическая генеалогия (англ.) — 1997.
- Dr. Thomas L. Saaty (англ.)
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