Нойес, Джон Э.

Джон Но́йес (англ. John E. Noyes) – профессиональный преподаватель и профессиональный писатель по международному праву.

Джон Э. Нойес
John E. Noyes
Род деятельности Профессор права, Президент Американской АМП
Образование Колледж Амхерст (бакалавр)
Виргинский университет (доктор права)

Специализируется в области международного права.



Президент Американской ассоциации международного права

Профессор права в Школе права Восточной Калифорнии (California Western School of Law) — с 1982 по сегодняшний день

Так же работал Ответственным редактором Вирджинского журнала международного права (Virginia Journal of International Law)


По состоянию на февраль 2010 года.

В области международного права


  • Law of the Sea in a Nutshell (West, 2d ed., 2010) (в соавторстве)
  • International Law Stories (Foundation Press, 2007) (в соавторстве)
  • Cases and Commentary on International Law (Thomson/West, 3d ed., 2006) (в соавторстве)
  • Teacher’s Manual for Cases and Commentary on International Law (Thomson/West, 3d ed., 2006) (в соавторстве)
  • Cases and Materials on the Law of the Sea (Transnational Publishers, 2004) (в соавторстве)
  • Cases and Commentary on International Law (West Group, 2d ed., 2001) (в соавторстве)
  • Teacher’s Manual for Cases and Commentary on International Law (West Group, 2d ed., 2001) (в соавторстве)
  • Cases and Commentary on International Law (West Publishing Co., 1997) (в соавторстве)
  • Teacher’s Manual for Cases and Commentary on International Law (West Group, 1998) (в соавторстве)
  • The United Nations at 50: Proposals for Improving Its Effectiveness (Американская Ассоциация Юристов, 1997)
  • 2003-2004 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association (Редактор)
  • 2001-2002 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association (Редактор и соавтор)
  • 1999-2000 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association (Редактор)
  • 1997-1998 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association (Редактор)
  • 1995-1996 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association (Редактор и соавтор)


  • «Judicial and Arbitral Proceedings and the Outer Limits of the Continental Shelf,» 42 Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law 1211 (2009)
  • «Louis B. Sohn and the Law of the Sea,» 16 Willamette Journal of International Law and Dispute Resolution (четвертое, 2009)
  • «The United States and the Law of the Sea Convention: U.S. Views Concerning the Settlement of International Law Disputes in International Tribunals and U.S. Courts,» 1 Berkeley Journal of International Law Publicist 27 (2009),
  • «Unit Self-Defense at Sea: Views from the United States and the International Court of Justice,» in The Exercise of Jurisdiction over Vessels: New Developments in the Fields of Pollution, Fisheries, Crimes at Sea and Trafficking of Weapons of Mass Destruction – Transatlantic Perspectives 153 (четвертое 2010)
  • «Places of Refuge for Ships,» 36 Denver Journal of International Law and Policy 135 (2008)
  • «U.S. Policy and the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,» 39 George Washington University International Law Review 621 (2007)
  • «The Caroline: International Law Limits on Resort to Force,» in International Law Stories 263 (John E. Noyes, Laura A. Dickinson & Mark W. Janis eds., 2007)
  • «Universalism and the American Tradition of International Law,» 21 Connecticut Journal of International Law 199 (2006)
  • «The United States, the Law of the Sea Convention, and Freedom of Navigation,» 29 Suffolk Transnational Law Review 1 (2005)
  • «American Hegemony, U.S. Political Leaders, and General International Law,» 19 Connecticut Journal of International Law 293 (2004)
  • «New Land for Peace: An Overview of International Legal Aspects,» 1 Center for Macro Projects and Diplomacy Working Papers Series 45 (2004),
  • «Definitions for the 1982 Law of the Sea Convention and the Importance of Context: ‘Ships’ and Other Matters,» 33 California Western International Law Journal 310 (2003), revised and reprinted in 2007-2008 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association 114
  • «Treaty Interpretation and Definitions in the Law of the Sea Convention,» 2001-2002 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association 175, reprinted in 32 California Western International Law Journal 367 (2002), revised and reprinted in 2007-2008 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association 94
  • «Case Study of the United States of America,» in Vessel-Source Pollution and Coastal State Jurisdiction 357 (Erik Franckx ed., 2001)
  • «Establishment of a 24-Mile U.S. Contiguous Zone,» 15 The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 269 (2000)
  • «Christianity and Theories of International Law in Nineteenth-Century Britain,» in Religion and International Law 235 (Carolyn Evans & Mark W. Janis eds., 1999)
  • «From The Hague to Rome: The International Criminal Court in Historical Perspective,» 36 American Criminal Law Review 223 (1999)
  • «Law of the Sea Dispute Settlement: Past, Present, and Future,» 5 ILSA Journal of International and Comparative Law 301 (1999)
  • «The International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea,» 32 Cornell International Law Journal 109 (1998)
  • «International Law of the Sea,» 31 The International Lawyer 703 (1997)
  • Principal Contributor, «Part VII: High Seas,» in 3 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982: A Commentary 59-278 (Satya Nandan & Shabtai Rosenne eds., 1995)
  • «Marine Security and International Law: Government Seizure of Vessels in Peacetime,» in Oceans ’95: Challenges of Our Changing Global Environment 440 (1995)
  • «The Third-Party Dispute Settlement Provisions of the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: Implications for States Parties and for Nonparties,» in Entry Into Force of the Law of the Sea Convention 213 (Myron H. Nordquist & John Norton Moore eds., 1995)
  • «The Functions of Compromissory Clauses in U.S. Treaties,» 34 Virginia Journal of International Law 831 (1994)
  • «El Tribunal Internacional de Derecho del Mar,» 27 Boletin Mexicano de Derecho Comparado No. 81, at 713 (1994) (переводил Oscar Cruz Barney)
  • «U.S. Oil Pollution Act of 1990,» 7 International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 43 (1992)
  • «Christianity and Late Nineteenth-Century British Conceptions of International Law,» in Religion and the Development of International Law 85 (Mark W. Janis ed., 1991)
  • «An Introduction to the International Law of Piracy,» 21 California Western International Law Journal 105 (1990)
  • «Compulsory Third-Party Adjudication and the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,» 4 Connecticut Journal of International Law 675 (1989)
  • «Presidential Proclamation No. 5928: A Twelve-Mile U.S. Territorial Sea,» 4 International Journal of Estuarine and Coastal Law 142 (1989)
  • «United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea,» Global Advocates Bulletin No. 11, January 1989, at 1
  • «State Responsibility and the Principle of Joint and Several Liability,» 13 Yale Journal of International Law 225 (1988) (в соавторстве с Brian D. Smith)
  • «The Mandate and Work of the U.N. Preparatory Commission,» 1988 Proceedings of the American Society of International Law 80
  • «The Alien Tort Statute and High Seas Freedoms,» 2 A.B.A. Law of the Sea Committee Newsletter, November 1987, at 8
  • «The Preparatory Commission,» 1 A.B.A. Law of the Sea Committee Newsletter, November 1986, at 4
  • Comment, 16 Virginia Journal of International Law 202 (1976) (on United States v. Reliable Transfer Co., 421 U.S. 397 (1975))

В энциклопедиях

  • «Ships in Distress,» in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (Rudiger Wolfrum ed., 2009)
  • «Taft Arbitration Treaties, 1911,» in Max Planck Encyclopedia of Public International Law (Rudiger Wolfrum ed., 2008)
  • «Territorial Sea,» in 4 The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History 125 (John B. Hattendorf ed., 2007)
  • «Raleigh Colston Minor,» in 15 American National Biography 574 (John A. Garraty & Mark C. Carnes eds., 1999)

а также

  • Numerous short articles and reports in ABILA Newsletters.
  • «Justice Roger Traynor Professorship Acceptance,» 39 California Western International Law Journal 384 (2009)
  • Letter supporting U.S. accession to the Law of the Sea Convention, in The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (Treaty Doc. 103-39), Hearings Before the Senate Committee on Foreign Relations, Senate Hearing Doc. No. 110-592,at 194 (2008)
  • «Introduction,» in International Law Stories 1 (John E. Noyes, Laura A. Dickinson & Mark W. Janis eds., 2007) (в соавторстве Laura A. Dickinson and Mark W. Janis)
  • «Diverse Decision Makers,» in International Law Stories 4 (John E. Noyes, Laura A. Dickinson & Mark W. Janis eds., 2007)
  • «Egypt’s Law of Intolerance,» Los Angeles Daily Journal, Mar. 13, 2007
  • Remarks, in International Law Association, Report of the Seventy-first Conference, Berlin, 2004, at 821 (2004)
  • «Commission on the Limits of the Continental Shelf,» in «Recent Developments in the International Law of the Sea,» 36 The International Lawyer 721, 730 (2002)
  • «Howard Berman: In Memoriam,» 28 California Western International Law Journal No. 2 (unpaged) (1998)
  • Short essays in The United Nations at 50: Proposals for Improving Its Effectiveness 9, 29, 61, 71, 151, 177, 179, 233, 239 (John E. Noyes ed., 1997) (on «International Courts,» «Use of Force, Peacekeeping, and Nonproliferation of Weapons,» «Human Rights,» «UN Specialized Agencies,» «Oceans and the Environment,» «The Development of International Law,» «Payments to the United Nations,» «Selected International Court of Justice Decisions,» and «United Nations-Related American Bar Association Resolutions, 1971-1996»)
  • «John Hazard: In Memoriam,» 1995-1996 Proceedings of the American Branch of the International Law Association 8
  • «Report to the House of Delegates, UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,» 29 The International Lawyer 252 (1995) (подготовили John E. Noyes, Louis B. Sohn and Houston Lowry), reprinted in The United Nations at 50: Proposals for Improving Its Effectiveness 161 (John E. Noyes ed., 1997)
  • «Report to the House of Delegates, UN Convention on the Law of the Sea,» 24 The International Lawyer 868 (1990) (подготовили John E. Noyes and Louis B. Sohn)

Рецензии на книги

  • Book Review, 92 American Journal of International Law 596 (1998) ((рецензия Winston Anderson, The Law of Caribbean Marine Pollution (1997))
  • Book Review, 40 Netherlands International Law Review 337 (1993) ((рецензия Friedrich K. Juenger, Choice of Law and Multistate Justice (1993))
  • Book Review, 8 International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 542 (1993) ((рецензия James B. Morell, The Law of the Sea: An Historical Analysis of the 1982 Treaty and Its Rejection by the United States (1992))
  • Review Essay, 23 New York University Journal of International Law and Politics 905 (1991) ((рецензия Markus G. Schmidt, Common Heritage or Common Burden? (1989))
  • Book Review, 28 Virginia Journal of International Law 269 (1987) (review of Mark W. Janis, An Introduction to International Law (1988))
  • Book Review, 15 California Western International Law Journal 734 (1985) (рецензия Human Rights in International Law: Legal and Policy Issues (Theodor Meron, 1984))

В области американского права


  • «Implied Rights of Action and the Use and Misuse of Precedent,» 56 University of Cincinnati Law Review 145 (1987)
  • «The ‘Better Law’ Approach to Choice of Law in Tort Law Cases: A Critique,» 57 Connecticut Bar Journal 472 (1983)
  • «Executive Orders, Presidential Intent, and Private Rights of Action,» 59 Texas Law Review 837 (1981)

Рецензии на книги

  • Book Review, 59 New York University Law Review 410 (1984) (рецензия A. Mitchell Polinsky, An Introduction to Law and Economics (1983))
  • Book Review, 14 Connecticut Law Review 217 (1981) ((рецензия G. Edward White, Tort Law in America: An Intellectual History (1980))


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